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SWiSH Max3 v3.0 Build Date 2009.11.30 Portable 62 MB

SWiSH Max3 v3.0 Build Date 2009.11.30 Portable 62 MB
Advanced Flash creation tool for the graphic artist or web professional. Advanced drawing tools, scripting, Flash video - everything you need for a dynamic Flash animation. New in SWiSH Max3: Project Templates, Knife tool, and much more!

SWiSH Max3 - The Ultimate Flash Creation Tool
Advanced Flash Creation Tool For The Graphic Artist Or Web Professional
Creates Stunning Flash Animations and Websites with Ease
Includes over 350 Preset Multimedia Effects
Includes over 180 Ready-to-use Components and Vector Shapes
Import Images, Graphics, Sound and Video from all popular formats
Export Presentations to Flash, Video, EXE, GIF Animation or Image Sequence
Powerful Scripting Language for Advanced Users
Tools to Control Motion, Draw Shapes, Edit Text, and more
NEW! Project templates - Instant Results Using the Wizard Panel
NEW! Drawing Tools - Shape Operations, Knife Tool, Component Tool
NEW! Improved Motion Path - Editable Bezier Curves, Convert a Shape to Path.

With SWiSH Max3 you can create Flash movies quickly and easily. SWiSH Max3 is packed with features that lets you make stunning interactive Flash animations. Here are some of the features that make SWiSH Max3 so powerful:

Multimedia Effects & Components
Advanced Flash design for the graphic artist or animation programmer. Full design control.
NEW! Project Templates and Wizard Panel for quick publish of included projects.
Bundled with over 350 built-in multimedia effects and a simple effects browser.
Built-in effects make creating animations quick and easy using your videos, text, images, graphics or sounds.
Effects can be applied to multiple objects.
Supports multiple overlapping soundtracks with multiple sound effects.
Choose from over 250 components and vector shapes, or add your own custom built components.
Create and distribute your own special effects and components.
NEW! Component Tool for fast and easy placement of common components.

Over 350 Built-In Multimedia Effects
SWiSH Max3 comes bundled with over 350 built-in multimedia effects that let you make fantastic animations with your video, text, images, graphics or sound. The Effects Browser lets you step through each effect to preview your animation - with so many effects the only problem is deciding which one to use!

Drag & Drop Components
Need a button, list, menu or preloader? Simply drag it onto the stage. Choose from over 250 SWiSH Max3 components and vector shapes, or make your own to simplify common tasks. NEW! Now including Autoshape components.

Drawing Tools
Type text directly on the stage and even give each character an individual attribute (bold, font, size etc.).
Advanced drawing tools include: Line, Pencil, Pen, Text, Ellipse/Circle, Rectangle/Square, Perspective and AutoShapes.
Keyboard short cuts are available for all the drawing tools.
Complex Shape editing options make it easy to modify your shapes.
Use AutoShapes to place arrows, stars, polygons and more.
Guides, grids, and alignment tools.
NEW! Knife tool and Shape Operations.
NEW! Bezier curves for motion paths. Convert shapes to motion path.

Advanced Drawing & Editing Tools
SWiSH Max3 comes complete with a set of professional quality drawing tools including Line, Pencil, Pen, Text, Elipse/Circle, Rectangle/Square and AutoShapes. Complex Shape editing options also make modifications simple.

Guides, Grids and Alignment Tools
Guide, grids and alignment tools make positioning your movies elements a breeze. You can simply snap to grids or guides to constrain the objects you are editing. Objects can also be aligned or spaced out evenly.
User Interface
A simple yet comprehensive interface puts all the tools within easy reach.
Objects, frames and effects can all be added, modified or deleted directly from the timeline.
Open multiple documents simultaneously to manage your large projects.
Moveable panels can be hidden to clear your workspace.
Preview all your work within SWiSH Max3, even playback at different internet speeds.
Sharing resources between your Flash movies is a breeze with the content library and assets.
Simple Yet Powerful
A simple, inuitive interface puts all the tools within easy reach. You'll be making stunning Flash animations in minutes.

Easy Content Management
Managing the objects used in your movies is simple with SWiSH Max3's powerful content management features. You can easily share resources between your movies with the content library and assets.

Import & Export
Import SWF movies produced by any other Flash application.
Import videos, sounds, graphics and text files.
NEW! Paste Special offers a choice of import formats when transferring from other applications.
SWiSH Max3 SWF movies can be imported into any other Flash application with ease.
Advanced compression features help keep your SWF file sizes small.
Exported HTML can use a custom template to include javascript, CSS, PHP and more.
Export straight to AVI, EXE, PNG or GIF animation.

Import Video, SWFs, Graphics, Sound & More
Import video, SWFs, sound, graphics and text files. SWiSH Max3 imports all the file types you are likely to need for your Flash animation including: txt, bmp, dib, gif, jpg, if, jpeg, png, wmf, emf, swf (both compressed and uncompressed), exe (Flash Projector), wav and mp3 files.

Advanced Export Control
You can easily export your SWF movies complete with HTML, AVI movies, PNG images, GIF animations and Flash Projectors. SWiSH Max's SWF movies can be imported into any other Flash application with ease. SWiSH Max3 also introduces a number of advanced compression features to help keep your SWF file sizes small.

All interactivity can be added through a simple menu interface.
Script editor allows advanced user to enter scripts directly.
A debugger simplifies finding and fixing errors in your scripts.
Syntax coloring, custom keywords and support for external script files.
NEW! Advanced scripting now includes support for Adobe Flash Actionscript 2 (AS2) Classes.

Scripting Made Simple
All interactivity in your SWiSH Max3 movie can be added through a simple menu interface, so you have full coding capabilities by selecting the actions and events you need.

Powerful Script Editor and Debugger
SWiSH Max3 includes a script editor that has powerful features for both the beginner and advanced users. To help you find errors in your script SWiSH Max3 includes a powerful debugger.

System Requirements
Windows 2000/XP/VISTA
1024 x 768, 16-bit display (32-bit recommended)

SWiSH Max3 requires the latest Adobe Flash Player installed on your system for internal preview.

Build 2009.11.30 Changes
* New: Component to auto copy a movie clip or shape around a specified shape
* Fix: Menu_ImageWordShpere does not display anything if dragged onto stage and original photos cannot be found
* Fix: File List parameter not fully cleared if files not found and dragged as component
* Fix: Hesitation when using autorepeat in script editor
* Fix: Unexpected script editor scrolling
* Fix: MenuImagesphere shows no images if played on different computer
* Fix: the attached .swi causes max3 to crash when play is pressed
* Fix: Universal scrolling not working with script editor
* Fix: word_sphere at 51 items shows undefined in the last item.
* Fix: Hesitation when using autorepeat in script editor
* Fix: Unexpected script editor scrolling
* Fix: rotateimage distort map speed improvement
* New: Image sphere based on word sphere
* Fix:Combo_silver should not allow alpha in background color or higlight color.
* New: Convert speech bubble comps to work with images
* Fix: Galleries to ebed chars for foriegn lang title and comments
* Fix: SimpleVideo_FLV does not work for export to SWF8 or higher
* Fix: Max3 Squared Colors wizard needs more buttons implemented.

Some component updates that have been included in recent builds include:
* Components\Effects\2D\RotateImage.* (updated)
* Components\Meun\Menu_imagesphere.* (new)
* Components\Controls\Lists\Combo_silver.* (updated)
* Components\Shapes\2D\Callouts\Callout_*_image.* (updated)
* Components\Text Display\BlockBusterScroll.* (new)
* Components\Video Players\SimpleVideo_FLV.* (updated)
* Project Templates\Sites\Squared Colors (updated)

* Fix: Changing instance name renames linked library master instead
* New: additional warning of no MP3 encoder
* Fix: Handles seem to be offset in some components.
* New: Be able to use simple class name within methods, rather than full class name
* Fix: Timeline effect cascading problem
* Fix: Export Settings: SWF version doesn't change on Script tab if edited on SWF tab (and vice versa)
* Fix: Script outline and outline panel flicker on script update
* Fix: text object loses o=x setting if text edited to and then re-entered
* Fix: Revert effect does not work
* Fix: Outline panel scrolls needlessly
* New: larger handle hotspot
* Fix: Changing to simplified mode leaves script in bad format (could cause hanging)
* Fix: Exporting: Gets stuck in loop exporting when there is a background scene present
* Fix: Errors reading old SWIs with 2009.10.30 build and later
* Fix: Export settings > FTP uploads squashed
* Fix: swishspace offer banner not showing in mini2/3 or max3
* Fix: sample broken 20091109
* Fix: HTML generated by max3 disables scroll bars
* Fix: Export to GIF fails in windows7
* New: Export setting control for speed vs compatibility for classes
* Fix: Authoring properties, fields not updated
* Fix: Casting in assignment is ignoring import
* Fix: redraw issues in Windows 7
* Fix: New Document dialog appears when double-clicking a swi
* Fix: issues with list selection in parameters panel
* Fix: Some Vista changes not implemented for Windows 7
* Fix: doc-tab menu 'New Movie...'not working. Should do same as FileNew Movie
* Fix: include script confuses script panel tree and tooltips
* Fix: Unused shows in control parameters column for a button control
* Fix: Selecting multiple text objects can apply settings of one to all the others.
* Fix: 9-point tool stops working when option to log changes to file turned on
* Fix: Casting not working for user-defined classes
* Fix: Problem with external media and automatic script
* Fix: 'with' Causing Incompatibility With Params And Properties
* Fix: Problem with stage update with HH special build
* Fix: memory usage with large amounts of static text.
* Fix: Sm Goes Crazy When Using Checkbox In Author Component
* Help: frame navigation details
* Fix: attached .swi causes max to crash when a parameter button is pressed
* Fix: new export SWF option Scene navigation when loaded (incl. Max2)
* Fix: Component Script: x,y values reported incorrectly when scale is applied (incl. Max2)
* Fix: Shows corrupt image message when image imported from network drive
* Fix: attached .swi causes max to crash when a parameter button is pressed.
* New: Mouse wheel zoom (Ctrl + mouse)
* Fix: Need better status bar help for Pen tool
* Fix: remove Comp/Shapes/2D/Callouts/Callout_prototype_shadow
* New: Components\Shapes\2D\Callouts\Callout_*_image.swi
* New: Components\Effects\2D\RotateImage.swi
* New: Components\Data display\SevenSegmentCluster.swi
* New: Components\Data display\Countdown.swi
* Fix: Break into pieces broken
* Fix: hard coded wizard panel strings
* Fix: return; in an event reports as a syntax error
* Fix: combo_silver broken with 20091001 build
* Fix: Sample file my first site tutorial loadmovie
* Fix: e notation string on debug panel at 512kb playback
* Fix: The end of the motion path is shown as Smooth
* Fix: Crash when changing to script panel
* New: strokeColor and fillColor in componet script for shapes.
* Fix: Static getter/setter not supported
* Fix: Exclude from export ignored for library items
* New: Support Google Chrome in list of browsers
* Fix: Timeline effect cascading problem
* Fix: objects don't update when changed in property panel
* New: Component method to import image into the fill of a shape
* Fix: Changes to export of nextSceneAndPlay() command
* New: Shift+Alt+Drag to box-select additional vertices
* Fix: Non-boolean Return Values Of Logical Or/and Expressions
* Fix: Changing effect duration when playing does not restart playback as it should
* Fix: Static Functions Marked As Error
* Fix: EMF file import gives Out of memory error
* New: Max2 to report error when reading Max3 swi files
* Fix: writeVars wizard method does not support unicode
* Fix: objects don't update when changed in property panel
* Fix: Exported GIF animation freezes
* Fix: Missing HTML template file (or bad name) silently does nothing
* Fix: corrupt message importing SWF
* Fix: Slice and concat methods report error when used on arrays
* Fix: Issues with Preferences / Browser
* Fix: Date.setUTCHours(h,m) returns error message
* Fix: Several seconds delay when first use menu after starting max2/max3
* Fix: Wizard Script, Can't get cropToAspectRatio() to work
* Fix: class may not work depending on order classes found in swi
* Fix: Colour picker weirdness
* Fix: Display not updated after pressing Del Effect button
* New: Allow an import event (ie outside other functions and events)
* New: support IMPORT as per Flash
* New: AS2 class support
* New: add script to html templates for IE8 compat
* Fix: crash in >1 component of same name (only localisations)
* Fix: The caret position is alway reset to the beginning when typing text in Enter Text dialog
* New: update context help for new features
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